Video: How CIMB is transforming learning in the era of hyper-digitization

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How CIMB is transforming learning in the era of hyper-digitization

Sumtotal, A Skillsoft company

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As part of a People Matters- SumTotal series on future proofing organizations and their workforce, this video on CIMB journey to digitization captures the importance of digital quotient and changing skill sets

As we enter a new economy and society, business priorities are changing. Organizations that are at the forefront are already transforming their capabilities and rethinking their ideas on performance and growth. They are moving away from the initial phase of digital transformation onto the next phase of hyper-digitization. In this next phase, businesses will harness smarter, game-changing technologies to become hyper-digitized organizations. This means they will need to create new avenues to developing in-house talent, identifying talent gaps and accelerating performance.  

To bring forward best practices by companies future-proofing their organizations and their workforce for hyper-digitization, People Matters and SumTotal in their exclusive video interview series bring to you the success story of CIMB Group Holdings, a Malaysian universal bank headquartered in Kuala Lumpur. CIMB Group is an indigenous ASEAN investment bank and has a wide retail branch network with 1,080 branches across the region. 

Dato’ Hamidah Naziadin, Group Chief People Officer, CIMB Group and Amanda Wellborne, Sr. Strategist Business Strategy and Transformation, SumTotal share their views on how technology helps streamline learning and development in the organization. “The shift in the paradigm with hyper-digitization, has led to technology aiding upskilling and reskilling to boost growth. With hyper-digitization, comes AI, which is to be up to date and up to speed with what your customers need tied from an L&D perspective. Technology makes learning available anywhere at anytime at a faster rate of change,” Naziadin said.

Insights from the video:

  • Why should Digital Quotient (DQ) be a part of the future workforce?
  • Skill sets can be bought, borrowed or built depending upon the need of the hour. How do you decide?
  • How CIMB’s 3D skillset academy focuses on data, design and digital skills to provide a wholesome experience to the customer?

Watch the video to find out how the company is addressing skill gaps, the learning agility that the future talent needs to focus on, how the concept of hyper-digitization is affecting the industry, evolving role of CHROs and CEOs in hyper-digitization and various talent trends being developed today.


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Topics: Talent Management, Learning & Development, #TransformTalent

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