Video: PeopleMatters TV: Role of mentorship in leadership and development

Leadership Development

PeopleMatters TV: Role of mentorship in leadership and development

Experts on PeopleMatters TV shed light on creating a holistic mentorship program.

High potential employees in an organization can get a much-needed boost from having mentors. As HR leaders, providing mentors to HiPOs is crucial for building a seamless succession pipeline. Mentoring has proved to be successful in several companies. Many leaders attribute their successes to having a strong mentor in their careers who would challenge them to step out of their comfort zone, be their cheerleader and motivate them to try out for senior-level positions in addition to being their coach when it came to building a different skillset to get them into the coveted yet challenging senior roles.

In today’s panel discussion, we have experts from different organizations who will share their perspective on how HR professionals can implement a holistic mentorship program to enable employees to assume leadership roles.

PeopleMatters TV is a weekly web series that brings global leaders together on a platform to discuss how the HR function and its different verticals are transforming to adapt to the new needs of business & leveraging the power of technology. To register for the upcoming sessions, register here

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Topics: Leadership Development, #PeopleMattersTV

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