Event: Navigating Total Rewards in the New Normal

  • When: 5th June 2020; 12:30 - 1:15 PM IST | 3:00 - 3:45 PM SGT
  • Who should attend: Open to all, HR Practitioners, Business Leaders, Learners

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, and these changes are permeating far beyond the peak of the contagion. As companies navigate these uncharted waters, they are dealing simultaneously with immediate measures for employee wellbeing and business continuity as well as starting to plan what normalcy or rebound to growth for their employees and business would look like. Organizations that embrace empathy with economics while rebalancing their priorities would emerge as true leaders.
Join this live masterclass to know:

  • What are the latest COVID-19 developments and employer implications?
  • How should companies manage rewards and leave programs in these uncertain times?
  • How are organizations supporting the mental and financial wellbeing of their employees?
  • Mercer’s point of view on the actions you can take to navigate through this crisis and be ready for recovery.


Puneet Swani

Puneet Swani

Senior Partner and Career Business Leader, International Region, Mercer