Event: Attracting Millennials and How!

  • When: 7th December, 11.30 AM- 12.30 PM(IST) 2:00 PM- 3:00 PM(SGT)
  • Who should attend: HR Heads and Personnel, Senior HR Leaders and Managers

Hiring and appealing to millennials is an art that organizations need to master. The university campus is where fresh talent resides. Shaping an organization’s talent acquisition strategy around attracting the new generation would require some reimagineering of the way HR leaders do campus hiring.


The university campus is where new talent resides. Appealing to millennials is an art that organizations who want to stay relevant in the years to come need to master. Join us in a conversation with the experts on how HR leaders can redefine the way campus hiring is done.


Click here to register!

For more information contact…

Aakanksha Singh
0124 4841 215


People Matters & O.C. Tanner webinar