Article: Tiffany Chelsvig of Legion Technologies: AI made our recruitment process more inclusive


Tiffany Chelsvig of Legion Technologies: AI made our recruitment process more inclusive

Implementing AI in applicant tracking systems is not just about automation; it's also about enhancing the quality of hires while significantly lowering overall recruiting expenses.
Tiffany Chelsvig of Legion Technologies: AI made our recruitment process more inclusive

When innovation intersects with talent acquisition, the power of Artificial Intelligence within HR can be transformative.

Tiffany Chelsvig, Senior Vice President of People Operations at Legion Technologies, offers a unique perspective on this evolution, particularly in applicant tracking systems (ATS) and overall hiring strategies.

As someone at the helm of People Operations, Tiffany has witnessed firsthand the seismic shifts brought about by AI in attracting, identifying, and engaging top talent. The integration of AI has not only streamlined the recruitment process but has also imbued it with a level of precision and personalisation previously unattainable.

From automating the time-consuming task of sifting through resumes to enhancing candidate engagement through natural language processing, AI's imprint on recruitment is indelible. Here is our interview with Tiffany:

From your vantage point, how has AI transformed HR, especially in relation to applicant tracking systems?

AI continues to revolutionise how we attract, identify, and engage with top talent, enabling a more efficient, accurate, and personalised recruitment process.

Content generation has been a key contributing factor for talent acquisition professionals, enabling more personalised, professional engagement with talent through all stages in the recruitment process.

One of the most significant transformations is the automation of repetitive tasks. AI algorithms can now sift through thousands of CVs in minutes, identifying candidates whose skills and experiences match the job requirements. This not only speeds up the recruitment process but also ensures that we don't overlook talented individuals due to human error.

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Moreover, AI has enhanced our ability to engage with candidates in a more meaningful way. Through natural language processing, ATS systems will evolve to interact with applicants via chatbots, providing immediate responses to their inquiries and guiding them through the application process. This level of interaction improves the candidate experience.

AI-driven analytics is another area where we've seen substantial benefits. By analysing recruitment data, AI helps us quickly understand patterns and trends, such as which sourcing channels bring in the most successful hires. This insight allows us to allocate our resources more effectively and make data-driven decisions that improve our overall hiring strategy.

Lastly, AI has made our recruitment process more inclusive. By limiting unconscious bias from the initial screening phase, we ensure that our candidate selection is based solely on merit and fit for the role. This commitment to diversity and inclusion not only enriches our company culture but also drives innovation and creativity.

AI has not just transformed our applicant tracking software; it has revolutionised our entire approach to talent acquisition. By leveraging the power of AI, we are better positioned to attract, select, and retain the exceptional talent necessary to drive our company forward in the competitive tech industry landscape.

What specific improvements have you seen in the time-to-hire metric since implementing AI-powered ATS?

We're just beginning to see the benefits and are working closely with our ATS vendor to reap the benefits of automation to decrease our time-to-hire. While we have shaved off five days on average, we are continuing to optimise our process and take advantage of all the available tools. We have seen a 30% reduction in time-to-hire metrics since intelligently automating more of our recruiting process.

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You've mentioned a significant reduction in recruitment costs. Can you detail how AI has enabled these savings?

Implementing AI in ATS is not just about automation; it's about enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and, ultimately, the quality of hires, while significantly lowering the overall recruiting expenses.

AI-powered ATS systems help us automate routine tasks and reduce the overhead of manually screening hundreds of CVs for every open position. This automation frees up our team to focus on more strategic aspects of recruitment, like engaging with candidates and improving the recruitment process. By reducing manual work, we also decrease the likelihood of errors and speed up the hiring cycle, which in turn lowers operational costs.

Enhanced Candidate Screening and Matching: AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data far quicker and more accurately than humans. They screen CVs and applications to match candidates with job requirements, based on skills, experience, and other relevant criteria. This precision reduces the time spent on reviewing unsuitable candidates and ensures that we invest our resources in engaging with the most promising applicants.

Enhanced Candidate Experience: AI-driven ATS can provide timely updates and feedback to candidates, improving their experience with our hiring process. A positive candidate experience can enhance our employer brand, making it easier to attract top talent. In a competitive job market, this can reduce the need for costly recruitment marketing and headhunting.

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Reduced Bias and Improved Diversity: AI can be designed to ignore demographic information about candidates, focusing solely on skills and qualifications. This approach helps reduce unconscious bias in the hiring process, leading to more diverse and inclusive workplaces. Diverse teams are not just a moral imperative; they're a business one, as they're more innovative and better at problem-solving, which can lead to cost savings and increased revenue.

Data-Driven Decision Making: With AI, we can access insights and data analytics that weren't possible before. This data helps us understand where our recruitment process succeeds and where it needs improvement, allowing us to allocate our resources more effectively and reduce costs in areas that aren't delivering value.

Looking towards the future, how do you see AI continuing to evolve in the field of HR and people operations?

We see that AI will continue to have a tremendous impact on the field of HR and people ops. We see a future where workforce management is fully automated. We believe that generative AI will fundamentally change how people interact with software. There will be no complicated menus or interfaces. People will be able to access knowledge and initiate actions via simple voice or text commands.

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Topics: Technology, Recruitment, Recruitment Technology

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