NTUC launches digital literacy program for Marine sector

In an attempt to develop the digital literacy of the 23,000 Singaporeans working in the marine and offshore industry, the National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) has launched out a training initiative to aid workers improving their skills.
The initiative is referred to as "digital readiness framework." The framework is a step-by-step guide on how workers and employers can boost their productivity by using technology in their work. The framework also recommends curated courses required to attain digital skills.
The courses are ranked by four proficiency levels, with each level aimed at workers of different competencies. The most basic level includes courses which are aimed at building the workers' confidence and familiarity in digital technologies.
The second level of proficiency includes the beginner course which introduces workers to emerging technologies that are shaping the workplace. The third proficiency level, i.e., intermediate level courses impart skills on using the available technologies to increase their personal productivity.
The most advanced level includes courses which allow workers to pick up skills in data analytics for businesses, or more specialized digital skills that would broaden their career opportunities.
NTUC secretary-general Ng Chee Meng shared in media"The industry is moving towards a smart marine and offshore industry through innovation and productivity improvement, pursuing new growth areas and equipping Singaporeans with relevant skills to be future-ready."
It is also reported that SkillsFuture Singapore and the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology have collaborated to raise the employability of Singaporean workers by training 1,000 professionals, managers, executives and technicians by next year.