Article: 10 Jobs disappearing due to AI: Is your role at risk?


10 Jobs disappearing due to AI: Is your role at risk?

AI is shaking up industries and changing job markets fast, with automation and digital tools driving major shifts. Find out which top 5 roles are facing extinction and what this means for the future of work.
10 Jobs disappearing due to AI: Is your role at risk?

AI is here, and its impact on the job market is undeniable. Automation, artificial intelligence, and digitalisation are reshaping industries from manufacturing to healthcare, media to technology. The real question now is not whether jobs will evolve, but how drastically and swiftly. Workers and policymakers need to adapt to this new reality.

One role that has highlighted these shifts is the "prompt engineer." Initially viewed as a new AI-driven position, it is rapidly fading as AI tools become more integrated into everyday applications. This shift underscores the need for workers and policymakers to adapt quickly.

Here, we explore 10 job roles that are increasingly at risk of becoming obsolete in the wake of AI advancements.

Manufacturing and Production

Assembly Line Workers: The increasing sophistication of automation and robotics is transforming manufacturing processes, reducing the demand for manual labour on assembly lines. AI is transforming automotive assembly lines as dramatically as lean manufacturing did in the 1990s. Automakers and suppliers worldwide are rapidly adopting AI to boost efficiency, enhance quality, and minimise errors.

From advanced vision systems for adhesive dispensing and welding to smarter conveyors and robots, AI is changing every aspect of production –including improving parts inspection, plant layout, and predictive maintenance, making factory tools and systems more intelligent.

Quality Control Inspectors: Quality control inspectors also see the effects of AI. AI-powered inspection systems are changing the game by automating the detection of defects and anomalies. These systems are more precise, catching flaws that human inspectors might miss and boosting accuracy by up to 30%. Plus, AI speeds up the inspection process, cutting down on downtime and improving overall production quality.

Media and Entertainment

Proofreaders: Advanced spell-checking and grammar-checking software have significantly decreased the need for traditional proofreaders. Proofreaders, once indispensable for ensuring the accuracy and clarity of written content, are now facing increasing competition from advanced spell-checking and grammar-checking software. These AI-powered tools have become highly sophisticated, capable of identifying and correcting a wide range of errors with minimal human intervention.

Film and Television Editors: Similarly, film and television editors are witnessing the rise of AI-driven editing tools that can automate many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks involved in the editing process. These tools can, for example, automatically match cuts, adjust audio levels, and add visual effects, freeing up editors to focus on more creative and complex aspects of their work.


Taxi Drivers: The rise of ride-sharing apps and the development of autonomous vehicles are disrupting the taxi industry. Taxi drivers are now facing stiff competition from ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft that provide passengers with more convenient and cost-effective options.

The rise of autonomous vehicles is also set to transform the industry even more. As self-driving cars become more common, the need for human drivers could shrink significantly, leading to a drop in demand for traditional taxi services as people increasingly turn to autonomous options.


Paralegals: Paralegals, who play a crucial role in supporting attorneys by conducting research, drafting documents, and managing case files, are facing increasing competition from AI-powered legal research tools and document automation software. These advanced systems can streamline many of the repetitive and time-consuming tasks traditionally performed by paralegals, such as conducting legal research, drafting contracts, and preparing pleadings. For instance, AI-powered legal research tools can quickly identify relevant case law and statutes, while document automation software can generate standardized legal documents with minimal human intervention. As a result, the demand for paralegal services may decline in certain areas, particularly those that can be easily automated.


Radiologists and Pathologists: Radiologists and pathologists, who rely on their expertise in image analysis to diagnose medical conditions, are facing increasing competition from AI-powered image analysis tools. These advanced systems can analyze medical images, such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans, with remarkable accuracy. For instance, studies have shown that AI algorithms can accurately diagnose conditions like breast cancer, lung cancer, and diabetic retinopathy with sensitivity and specificity rates exceeding those of human experts in many cases.

Technology and IT

Web Developers: Web developers, once essential for building websites, are now facing stiff competition from AI-powered website builders and code generators. These tools allow even non-techies to create sophisticated websites with ease, reducing the need for traditional web development skills.

While AI can handle basic tasks like generating templates or coding snippets, it often falls short in areas requiring creativity, problem-solving, and specialized knowledge. For instance, AI struggles with designing unique, visually engaging websites or developing complex applications that need custom coding and system integration. 

Other Industries

Retail Cashiers: Self-checkout kiosks and mobile payment technologies are reducing the need for human cashiers.

Bank Tellers: Online banking, ATMs, and mobile banking apps have made traditional bank tellers less necessary.

Travel Agents: Online booking platforms and AI-powered travel assistants have disrupted the travel industry.

These industries are facing significant challenges, yet the extinction of these jobs is not inevitable. They will require human discernment and judegment.

While some jobs may become obsolete, others will evolve and adapt to the changing technological landscape. The key to survival will be the ability to acquire new skills, embrace technological advancements, and leverage hu

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