Article: Storm or calm: The new lighthouse is here

HR Technology

Storm or calm: The new lighthouse is here

Here is the opening keynote of People Matters TechHR Singapore 2020, where Colin Brennan shares why HR will never be the same again!
Storm or calm: The new lighthouse is here

Adaptability has come and will continue to be at the forefront of driving change. Total Human Capital needs the convergence of man, machine and the heart to deliver recovery and success for organizations and people to thrive. 

Efficiency is the key HR transformation agenda in most organisations. With the COVID-19 pandemic, being efficient is no longer enough to navigate the new normal of work. Rapid innovation has become a strategic imperative and HR is placed at the forefront to drive this. 

In this keynote session of People Matters TechHR Singapore 2020, Colin Brennan,, shares the importance of HR in driving innovation and change needed to transform organizations.

COVID-19 is a people crisis

On an average the number of minutes that has gone up while working from home is 48.5 minutes a week. Early in this crisis we saw people doing a lot of things to keep companies moving to be successful but now we are seeing more and more  people are working for longer and longer periods of time. Here is why COVID-19 is a people crisis:

  • CHROs at the forefront, business success demands HR to deliver
  • Collaboration goes from tough to tougher
  • Employees are demanding more ways to connect and engage
  • Company’s leadership and purpose is being bottle-tested
  • Gig economy is a reality
  • Digital is a must

How organizations can create an impact?

Colin’s shared three dimensions of impact, namely,  Adaptable business model, Health and safety, and Experience and inspiration.

Why Adaptability?

As we think of the HR function of the future, the notion of adaptability will enable the HR function to be a guide for Business and Talent. To do so, adaptable HR organizations will need to address both the forces impacting the stakeholders that HR delivers to and its own ways of working internally.

The purpose of HR sets the north star on the values that the function aspires to deliver and will need introspection with regards to the context of the stakeholders (organization, individuals, and leaders). It will bind and guide the decisions (both within and related to HR) aligned to the larger context of business outcomes.

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Topics: HR Technology, #TechHRSG

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