
37% of the deskless workers likely to leave in six months: Report

The talent shortage is not restricted to the white collar jobs but has also affected the deskless jobs. A study conducted by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), titled "Why Deskless Workers Are Leaving—and How to Win Them Back," shows that the problem could worsen significantly in the months ahead if company leaders don't act quickly.

The findings show that employers are likely to lose as many as 37% of their deskless workers in the next six months and already one-third of them are planning to move on. Out of those likely to leave, Gen-Z comprise the greatest proportion. Findings reveal that 48% of younger employees are at the risk of leaving within the next six months. 

Global index

Persistent talent shortages now rank among the greatest challenges facing many companies. The US has millions more job vacancies than people looking for work. Germany reports record-high shortages of skilled workers. France and the other countries included in the survey face similar challenges.

Globally, Japan's deskless workers indicated to have the weakest attachment to their current jobs, with 42% either planning to leave (11%), undecided (24%), or unwilling to make a commitment beyond six months (7%). 

Workers in the UK followed closely behind at 41%, with a higher percentage (15%) already having decided to leave their current jobs in the next six months, another 15% unwilling to commit beyond six months, and 11% undecided. 

At the other extreme, German and US deskless workers were the least at risk of leaving, the survey showed—but not by much, with 13% and 12%, respectively, already planning their exits. Among the seven countries surveyed, France had the lowest percentage of deskless workers already planning to quit—although they comprised a still-significant 10% of employees.

Satisfaction and Pain Points

The report states that employee experience and benefits are the biggest drivers of the resignations. Satisfied workers are eight times as likely to stay in their roles for over two years than unsatisfied workers.

Overall, deskless workers identified five challenges when asked about pain points:

  • Their work schedules (56%, applicable mostly to shift workers),
  • Benefits package (49%),
  • Lack of opportunity for career growth and advancement (48%),
  • Lack of opportunity to learn new skills (46%)
  • Feeling that their contributions go unnoticed (42%).

"The costs of open positions are only going to get worse unless leaders start to materially address the reasons why employees are leaving," said Debbie Lovich, BCG's global leader for the future of work. She further added that the silver lining of the situation can be dealt by the leaders once they try communicating and understanding the issues being faced by the employees, to make their lives better. “And they will also surface more innovative ideas (e.g., shift marketplaces, upskilling, expanded and differentiated benefits) that will enhance the work and lives of these critical colleagues," Debbie added. 

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