Video: Exclusive Interview: Dr. Robert Hogan, Founder & President, Hogan Assessments

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Exclusive Interview: Dr. Robert Hogan, Founder & President, Hogan Assessments

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In an exclusive interview with People Matters, Dr. Robert Hogan, Founder & President, Hogan Assessments talks about the evolving nature of leadership, bridging the gap between psychological science of talent and common real-world talent practices, the criticalness of evaluating personality & identifying talent with empirically-validated psychometric devices.


Dr. Robert Hogan is the founder and president of Hogan Assessment, which leads the world in personality assessment and leadership development. Dr. Hogan was the first psychologist to demonstrate the link between personality and organizational effectiveness and currently is the leading international authority on personality assessment and leadership. Hogan earned a Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley and was McFarlin Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at The University of Tulsa from 1982 to 2001. Prior to that, he was Professor of Psychology and Social Relations at Johns Hopkins University.

You can read the insights from the Interview here.



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