People Matters Global

The State of HR Transformation : Adaptable by Design

The disrupted workplace presents new opportunities for the HR function. With the advancement of technology, the transactional burden on the HR function can be reduced and the HR professionals can focus on creating value through outcomes that matter to both business and talent. But how ready is the HR function for these new opportunities? How can they truly create more impact on business at low effort? What will drive the transformation for the HR function?

Under the theme 'The State of HR Transformation : Adaptable by Design', Alight and People Matters bring the focus of talent professionals on the current status of the HR function, and the challenges and the opportunities HR teams should be aware of.

Leaders on Innovation 2023: BINUS’ transformation

Leaders on Innovation 2023: BINUS’ transformation

In conversation with Stephen Wahyudi Santoso and Harry Surya Adam of BINUS, and Anirban Dass of Alight Solutions, we unlock critical insights for designing and implementing a successful HCM and financial transformation.

Asmaani Kumar,
#Leadership  #HRTech  #AdaptableHR  #DigitalTransformation  #Future of Work

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