Blog: TED talks to inspire leaders this International Women’s Day

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TED talks to inspire leaders this International Women’s Day

Here are some TED talks from women who inspire, lead and motivate others to take charge of their own careers.
TED talks to inspire leaders this International Women’s Day

At the cusp of digital transformation, the workplace needs to achieve gender equality. Creating a workplace that is balanced in gender and diversity of perspective is the lofty goal. This International Women’s Day, here are a few inspiring TED talks that can take us forward in paving the way for gender equality in the workplace.

Can we all “have it all”? 

Public policy expert Anne-Marie Slaughter moves the women’s empowerment conversation from a feminist goal to a humanist goal. This TED talk focuses on how changes in social expectations from different genders, work culture and public policy can transform the equation of equality in the workplace not only for women but men as well.

Know your worth, and then ask for it

Pricing consultant Casey Brown talks about how employees can communicate better--especially when negotiating salaries. The premise of the talk is the unwritten rule of HR that an employee’s compensation is determined on the basis of what the “boss” thinks of “your worth.” Knowing one’s work is the first step toward redefining the leaders’ way of thinking and getting paid for the excellence that an employee, whether a woman or a man, brings to the table.

It’s time for women to run for office

Halla Tomasdottir, CEO of The B Team, also announced her candidacy to become the President of Iceland in 2016. In this TED talk, she discusses her challenges as a woman in the political world, overcoming media bias and redefining the political debate in Iceland. Very few women are in global politics and Tomasdottir wants to change that paradigm. This talk is an inspiration for aspiring women politicians.

For women in pursuit of motherhood and a career

Irene Mora traded her career as a Junior Auditor in Deloitte for her dream of fashion and began her work at Calvin Klein. During her TED talk, she shares her childhood experiences of traveling and living in various countries, stepping out of her comfort zone and adapting to different business challenges later on in her work life. An advocate for working women to achieve both a family and a career, Mora inspires women to pick up skills that help them become independent.

How do we bridge the “anxiety gap” at work?

Erica Joy Baker, Senior Engineering Manager at Patreon, shares her experience dealing with the anxiety associated with being the outsider in the workplace. Minorities in the workplace such as women and people of color face this anxiety every day. This anxiety gap is detrimental for both the employee, the productivity of the company and the morale. In her TED talk, Erica Joy Baker focuses on how to overcome this feeling of anxiety in the corporate world.

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