Article: Michael Jenkins on Expert Humans − The combination of leadership and artificial intelligence


Michael Jenkins on Expert Humans − The combination of leadership and artificial intelligence

Michael Jenkins, the CEO of Human Capital Leadership Institute (HCLI) discusses the concept of Expert Human (the intersect between exemplary leadership and artificial intelligence) and how organizations and individuals can maximize digital opportunities.
Michael Jenkins on Expert Humans − The combination of leadership and artificial intelligence

Robotics is not new neither is the pace of industrial automation that has been accelerating at an unprecedented speed across the developed world. Statistics and data by the International Federation of Robotics show that in the year 2015, there were about 66 installed industrial robots per 10,000 employees globally which increased to 74 in the year 2016. Estimations also point out that Europe holds a robot density of 99 units per 10,000 workers while in America and Asia, the number is 84 and 63. But topping the charts is South Korea followed by China as they have the highest growth levels in industrial automation. In the year 2016, South Korea confirmed 631 installed industrial robots per 10,000 employees —attributed to the incessant installation of high volume robots in the electronics and manufacturing sectors.

For organizations and individuals alike, the question that emerges is how can the efforts of exemplary leadership and Artificial Intelligence combine? The answer, suggests Michael Jenkins, CEO of HCLI, is to focus on the intersect of both worlds and create, what he calls, ‘Expert Humans’ — the combination of exemplary leadership and artificial intelligence. Organizations and individuals who self-assess and take action to accelerate the rate of combination of human and digital advantages will have a competitive edge over others. Following the pattern, 90 percent of Singapore's industrial robots seem to be installed in its electronics industry and records a density of 488 per 10,000 employees. Germany and Japan, on the other hand, countries that are known for their automotive industries record density levels of just over 300 per 10,000 workers. But all in all, Japan holds the fort when it comes to industrial robotics, accounting for 52 percent of global supply. 

Where do organizations stand today?

Organizations and leaders need to ask these questions: Where do they stand as a team in the journey of integrating Digital Transformation and Human Capital? What does it take to become a company with high emotional intelligence and high Artificial Intelligence? But while answering these questions, organizations can find themselves in either high emotional intelligence and low Artificial Intelligence and missing out on business opportunities; or missing engagement and sustainability if they fall under the category of high Artificial intelligence and low emotional intelligence.

Source: Human Capital Leadership Institute 

How do we develop the ‘Expert Humans’? 

To develop leaders who can balance emotional intelligence and Artificial Intelligence, Jenkins shares the advice from Dan Pink about the importance of “mastery”, which is a key ingredient in human motivation. Leaders should be optimistic and regard AI as complementing humans (as in the context of Expert Humans); and not see AI just for robots. The transformation journey includes bringing the best of humans – empathy, compassion, ethics, safe spaces ‒ and combine that with the best of digital – augmentation, experimentation, innovation and transformation. This combination is what will create the foundation for leaders to navigate today’s business context and bring sustainability to the business. 

Excerpts from a presentation by Michael Jenkins, CEO of HCLI (Human Capital Leadership Institute) at the HCLI’s Asian Human Capital & Leadership Symposium 2018.

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Topics: Leadership, Technology

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